姓 名:黄禅
职 称:讲师
职 务:无
邮 箱:hcrqqi@hfut.edu.cn
电 话:
1. 2024/01-2026/12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,30万元,主持。
2. 2022/04-2024/11,安徽省高校协同创新项目,50万元,子课题负责人。
3. 2019/08-2022/03,国家仪器重大专项,3685万元,参与。
4. 2017/12-2020/06,国家仪器重大专项,2976万元,参与。
5. 2016/11-2020/05,国家仪器重大专项,3150万元,参与。
1. C. Huang, H. W. Liu, S. Wu, X. Y. Jiang, L. M. Zhou and J. G. Hu, “Physics-guided neural network for channeled spectropolarimeter spectral reconstruction,” Opt. Express 31(15) , 24387-24403 (2023).
2. C. Huang, S. Wu, Y. Y. Chang, Y. W. Fang, Z. Y. Zou and H. L. Qiu, “Convolutional neural network-based spectrum reconstruction solver for channeled spectropolarimeter,” Opt. Express 30(7) , 10367-10386 (2022).
3. C. Huang, S. Wu, Y. Y. Chang, Y. W. Fang, and H. L. Qiu, “Bandwidth function matrix-based spectral deconvolution with alternate minimization method,” Opt. Commun. 508, 127755 (2022).
4. C. Huang, Y. Y. Chang, L. Han, S. Wu S. Li, D. G. Luo, L. Sun, and J. Hong, “Geometric calibration method based on Euler transformation for a large field of view polarimetric imager,” J Mod. Optics 67 (20), 1524-1533 (2021).
5. C. Huang, Y. Y. Chang, G. F. Xiang, L. Han, F. N. Chen, D. G. Luo, S. Li, L. Sun, B. H. Tu, B. H. Meng, and J. Hong, “Polarization measurement accuracy analysis and improvement methods for the directional polarimetric camera,” Opt. Express 28(26), 38638–38666 (2020).
6. C. Huang, G. F. Xiang, Y. Y. Chang, L. Han, M. M. Zhang, S. Li, B. H. Tu, B. H. Meng, and J. Hong, “Pre-flight calibration of a multi-angle polarimetric satellite sensor directional polarimetric camera,” Opt. Express 28(9), 13187–13215 (2020).
7. C. Huang, B. H. Meng, Y. Y. Chang, F. N. Chen, M. M. Zhang, L. Han, G. F. Xiang, B. H. Tu, and J. Hong, “Geometric calibration method based on a two-dimensional turntable for a directional polarimetric camera,” Appl. Opt. 59(1), 226–233 (2020).
8. C. Huang, F. N. Chen, Y. Y. Chang, L. Han, S. Li, and J. Hong, “Adaptive Operator-Based Spectral Deconvolution With the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm,” Photonic Sens. 10(28), 242-253 (2019).
9. C. Huang, M. M. Zhang, Y. Y. Chang, F. N. Chen, L. Han, B. H. Meng, J. Hong, D. G. Luo, S. Li, L. Sun, and B. H. Tu, “Directional polarimetric camera stray light analysis and correction,” Appl. Opt. 58(26), 7042–7049 (2019).
10. C. Huang, Y. Y. Chang, L. Han, F. N. Chen, S. Li, and J. Hong, “Bandwidth correction of spectral measurement based on Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with improved Tikhonov regularization,” Appl. Opt. 58(9), 2166–2173 (2019).